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Do you know someone with limb loss? According to these stats, probably.

Limb Loss Awareness resources

Every year for Limb Loss Awareness Month (April), the Amputee Coalition shares information related to limb loss. One stat that’s striking is how common it is. In Maine, where most of our amputee patients live, there are 600 amputations every year. Now, in a state the size of Maine, that means there’s a good chance you know someone who has dealt with limb loss.

In honor of Limb Loss Awareness month and the light it shines on issues related to amputees, we have added a page to our website with resources and links to information that can help promote understanding of limb loss and issues faced by amputees in Maine. Because understanding is the first step in helping amputees and their families cope, heal and learn how to live the lives they want to live.

Check out the page and let us know if you’ve found other helpful resource that we should include. Give us your thoughts in the comments section or on Facebook or Twitter.

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