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The best artificial arms and legs available

People aren't one-size-fits-all. 

Why should prostheses be?  

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Lower extremity prosthetic care.

Whether you have undergone amputation as a life-saving measure, you were born with a limb deficiency, or you are trying to reconstruct following an injury, the decision to use artificial legs can be confusing. Recent amputees who don’t yet have experience with prosthetics don't know what it should be like; if you already have a prosthesis you don't have much to compare it to -- you almost have to accept what you're told by others.


The truth is, not all artificial limbs are the same.  Prosthetics has come a long way in the last couple of decades but not everyone providing care for people is familiar with the latest concepts and technologies.  There really isn't any "standard" for artificial arms and artificial legs -- what you've experienced is more about how a particular company is used to doing things.  This means there can be really big differences between one leg or arm and another. You deserve better.


It comes down to expectations.  Without much experience it's hard to know what to ask for or what to expect.  Usually, you have to rely on your prosthetist to drive the bus.  Nowadays though, you have access to a lot of information from the web and TV, etc. You can find out for yourself, so keep asking those questions and if you're not hearing the answers that you think you should, look elsewhere.


The bottom line is choice.  While you may have been "told" who your prosthetist was going to be initially, your right to choose for yourself is guaranteed. Why not choose someone who will get you back to doing everything you want to do?


To schedule your free consultation to talk about your options please call us toll free at 1-877 538 8825 or email our office.

Talk to one of our Amputee Peers

With as life-changing as amputation is, adjusting to it on your own can be a challenge. Our Peer Program can connect you with other amputee patients and their families who can help provide a "real-life" perspective on living with amputation how you can adapt to it. Learn more about the Peer Program here. Or click the button below to see some of our Amputee Peers.

AtlanticProCare is the leading provider of prosthetic limbs in Maine, serving patients seeking customized mobility solutions for amputation.

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AtlanticProCare Portland
1274 Congress Street, Portland, Maine 04102
P: 207-774-1002   F: 207-774-9002

Hours: M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM by appointment

© 2024 AtlanticProCare

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