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It’s Time for Paralympic Powerhouses to Step Into the Spotlight.

JP Donovan

Elite athletic performances are always a celebration of both the power of the human spirit and the beauty of sheer athleticism. Yet, the incredible athletes of the Paralympic Games often find themselves overshadowed by their able-bodied counterparts in the Olympic Games. And while the Olympics undoubtedly showcase sometimes superhuman talent, the Paralympics offer a unique perspective on sometimes superhuman resilience.

Paralympic athletes embody the pinnacle of human achievement – in bodies that are often unfortunately viewed as somehow less than human. To compete at the highest level as they do requires not just physical prowess, but an unwavering mental fortitude. These athletes have overcome immense challenges, learning to adapt their bodies and their minds to new limitations and new realities – realities far different than they may have been used to. Their training regimens are often even more demanding, as they must compensate for missing limbs with extraordinary strength and skill.

Every stroke, dive, twist, stride, jump, and throw represents hours, if not years, of grueling practice and unwavering dedication. These athletes are not simply participating; they are conquering, and their efforts highlight in a very fundamental way what it means to be human – to face extraordinary challenges; to rise above them through strength of body and will; to push oneself to be the very best version of themselves.

We are privileged to work every day with patients who embody all of these same qualities, even if they never stand on a medal podium. It’s time to shine a brighter spotlight on both their triumphs and the triumphs of the athletes competing in Paris later this month. Let's celebrate their courage, their skill, and their unwavering spirit!

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